Casa Fernandez promises excellence “From Seed to Ash.” With three decades of growing tobacco under their belt, its safe to say Casa Fernandez produces the finest authentic Cuban seed hand-rolled cigars, and has easily become one of Central America’s largest tobacco growers in the process. While many cigar manufacturers source other farms for their leaves, Casa Fernandez oversees every aspect of their cigar making, from planting to rolling through vertical integration. With this eye on the process, they are able to ensure absolute quality of all their lines which is hand selected by cigar enthusiasts and aficionados alike ensuring pure satisfaction for a variety of palates and preferences.
The end result of Casa Fernandez's hard work and dedication delivers unique blends with outstanding flavor like theCasa Fernandez Aganorsa Leaf, a boxed-pressed cigar with a hearty cedary taste garnished with notes of walnut, which received an amazing 92-rating. Getting a 90 rating, the Miami Reserva is another one to rave about. A complex full-bodied blend of a variety of nuts including cashew, walnut, almond, and peanut paired with honey and citrus. But in my opinion, any Casa Fernandez cigar is an enjoyable experience. So take a load off and relax with a truly premium cigar