La Rosa De Sandiego Cameroon
American Caribbean Cigars has been making cigars for many brands for several years now. Highlights include cigars for Leccia, Toraño, and Gurkha, which are all rolled at their factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. However, now the cigar manufacturer has a brand of its own. At the 2015 IPCPR Trade Show, American Caribbean Cigars launched its new La Rosa de Sandiego line. This is the first brand for American Caribbean Cigars. The line consists of three distinct blends. The line is now currently starting to make its way to retailers. La Rosa de Sandiego has three offerings: Connecticut, Habano, and Maduro. We highly recommend these sticks for their unique blends, great construction, and historical significance. Check out the review by Cigar Coop and others below.
The La Rosa de Sandiego line pays homage to an area of Cuba known as San Diego de Los Baños. This area is located on the western border of the well-known province of Pinar del Rio. The region is famous for its sulfur hot springs, but also contains a mineral rich soil ideal for tobacco. Starting in 1883, the region saw the first of many cigar factories emerge. There is a tie to the region via American Caribbean Cigars’ President Damian Tapanes’ whose paternal lineage is said to be “woven deep in the tradition of cigar making in San Diego de Los Baños.” With La Rosa de Sandiego, Tapanes set out to create a cigar steeped in Cuban Tradition.